Best Karate Centre in Kolkata

Best Karate Centre in Kolkata

Welcome to International Karate Authority Ika, We love the martial arts. We love it like we love our children, our freedom, our history. We love the martial arts as much as we love to train, as much as we love the rush of the right technique at exactly the right moment, as much as we love the thrill of a good contest. At Indian Institute of Martial Arts-IIMA we are committed to the entire "village" that is the world of martial arts. We are here for the fighter, the fan, the teacher, the coach, the parents, the traditionalist, the eclectic practitioner, the expert, the novice, the filmmaker, the actor, the celebrity, and the unknown master. We celebrate the diversity of our histories, of our people, of everything that is the best-of-the-best of what we do - and what we are capable of.. To find out more about our pricing structure and class times, pop in and visit us or give us a call on 0917003750003.